Home / 2014 Spirit of the Salmon Plan / About Spirit of the Salmon / Projects Overview / Climate Change Projects /
Climate Change Projects
Projects related to developing technical and policy strategies to address changes in Columbia Basin water and fish resources will assist our member tribes in mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Tribal Projects
Click to see a list of the tribal projects associated with each technical recommendation. (Items without links currently have no related active tribal projects.)
- Land Use Projects
- Tributary Water Quantity Projects
- Watershed Restoration Projects
- Supplementation Projects
- Reintroduction Projects
- Juvenile Fish Migration Projects
- Estuary Protection and Restoration Projects
- Ocean Harvest
- Adult Fish Migration Projects
- Water Quality Projects
- Harvest Management
- Lamprey Projects
- Sturgeon Projects
- Predation Projects
- Mark-selective Fisheries Projects
- Restoring Fish Passage Projects
- Invasive Species Projects
- Climate Change Projects
- Update Lifecycle Model Projects
- ESA-delisting Projects
Tribal Projects
Click to see a list of the tribal projects associated with each technical recommendation. (Items without links currently have no related active tribal projects.)
- Land Use Projects
- Tributary Water Quantity Projects
- Watershed Restoration Projects
- Supplementation Projects
- Reintroduction Projects
- Juvenile Fish Migration Projects
- Estuary Protection and Restoration Projects
- Ocean Harvest
- Adult Fish Migration Projects
- Water Quality Projects
- Harvest Management
- Lamprey Projects
- Sturgeon Projects
- Predation Projects
- Mark-selective Fisheries Projects
- Restoring Fish Passage Projects
- Invasive Species Projects
- Climate Change Projects
- Update Lifecycle Model Projects
- ESA-delisting Projects