Water Quality Projects
Tribal projects related to improving mainstem and tributary water quality by eliminating sources of toxic pollution that accumulates in fish tissue and by reducing discharges of other contaminants to meet water quality criteria for anadromous fish.
- Yakima River Management & Data -Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
- Klickitat River Management, Data and Habitat-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
- Lower Yakima Valley Riparian Wetlands Restoration
- Fish Passage Center
- Yakama Reservation Watershed Project
- Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement
- Lolo/Selway River Watershed Restoration
- Grand Ronde Watershed Restoration
- Teanaway R Flow Restore Bor
- Klickitat Watershed Enhancement
- Clearwater Focus Watershed Restoration Coordination
- Hood River Fish Habitat
- Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed
- Upper John Day Conservation Lands Program
- Rainwater Wildlife Area Operations
- Enhance Habitat in the North Fork John Day River
- Newsome Creek Watershed Restoration
- Forrest Conservation Area
- Red River/Newsome Creek Watershed Restoration
- Slate Creek Watershed Restoration
- East Fork of South Fork Salmon River Passage Restoration
- Rock Creek Fish and Habitat Assessment
- Protect and Restore Northeast Oregon
- Protect and Restore Lochsa Watershed
- John Day Watershed Restoration
- Protect and Restore Tucannon Watershed
- Instream Flow Restoration
- Umatilla Tribe Ceded Area Stream Corridor Conservation & Protection
- Habitat Restoration Planning/Design/Implementation within boundaries of Warm Springs Reservation, lower Deschutes River, Oregon
- Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration
- Lower South Fork Clearwater/Slate Creek Watershed Restoration
- Protect and Restore the Crooked and American River Watersheds