Legal and Institutional Context Conclusion

Restoration of Columbia Basin salmon, sturgeon and lamprey depends upon institutional structures that efficiently coordinate the actions and resources of relevant government agencies and enlist the support and energy of individuals and non-governmental agencies. A comprehensive restoration effort will require authoritative actions addressing the redirection of funding and personnel by federal, state, local and tribal entities in order to implement goals and objectives in a coordinated manner. Because of the limits of scientific knowledge about these species in specific ecosystems, an effective monitoring and evaluation program is indispensable for charting restoration progress and indicating the need for mid-course correction. Finally, when policy-makers, technical experts or implementors differ on the means for restoration, timely dispute resolution processes must be available at functional levels to address issues in a manner that does not stall the effort.

In combination, the CRFMP, the FWP, the PST, and FERC orders as well as an ESA process that incorporates the other structures provide a framework for restoration. However, by themselves, they are not sufficient to achieve tribal restoration goals. The recommendations that follow are designed to strengthen restoration efforts and provide a comprehensive approach that utilizes the authorities of the three sovereigns (federal, state, and tribal governments) that have an interest in anadromous fish.

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