Supplementation/Reintroduction Reco’s

Summary of supplementation and reintroduction recommendations for rebuilding runs of anadromous salmonids in Columbia River subbasins above Bonneville Dam

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  1. These recommendations, the result of initial assessments, will be prioritized and probably modified during implementation
  2. hat = hatchery; NPA = natural produciton area; tbd = to be determined
  3. T = tule fall chinook; B = bright fall chinook; tbd = to be determined
  4. Ø = none; A = Acclimatization facilities; T = adult Trap; tbd = to be determined
  5. L = late run; E = early run
  6. Wells Dam settlement
  7. f = finderlings (or presmolts), scheduled for release late summer or early fall ‘
  8. B = B-run; A = A-run




Release Site Hatchery Fall Spring Summer Coho Sockeye Steelhead
Wind River
hat.b Carson Ø d
NPA Carson 1.6 A, T
NPA Spring Creek 1.0T 1.0 Ø
NPA Willard
NPA Skamania
Wind River
hat.b Carson Ø d
NPA Carson 1.6 A, T
NPA Spring Creek 1.0T 1.0 Ø
NPA Willard
NPA Skamania
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