Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin Plan
The Fifteenmile Subbasin Plan has been developed as part of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Subbasin plans will be reviewed and eventually adopted into the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program to help direct Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) funding of projects that protect, mitigate and enhance fish and wildlife habitats adversely impacted by the development and operation of the Columbia River hydropower system. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) intend to use subbasin plans as building blocks in recovery planning to meet the some of their requirements of the 2000 Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (BiOp). Subbasin planning through the Council’s program will also assist Bonneville with some of the requirements they have under the 2000 BiOp.
The Fifteenmile Coordinating Group intends the Fifteenmile Subbasin Plan to serve multiple purposes. The Group intends the plan to meet the Council’s call for subbasin plans as part of its Columbia Basin wide program and to provide a resource for all entities involved with natural resource planning efforts. Equally important, this plan is a locally organized and implemented effort involving the major resource managers, local governments, and local citizens working together to develop the best possible approach to protecting, enhancing and restoring fish and wildlife in the Fifteenmile Subbasin. This plan is intended to provide resources necessary to develop activities forwarding the vision of the Fifteenmile Coordinating Group at both subbasin/programmatic scales and to provide the context and information for developing site specific projects.
The overall purpose of the planning effort goes beyond the requirements of the NWPPC subbasin planning process. The FCG seeks to develop a watershed restoration plan that identifies and prioritizes actions needed to: 1) Protect and enhance streamflows to meet water quality standards, existing water rights, instream water rights, and fish and wildlife habitat objectives; 2) Maintain the productive natural resource base in the Basin, consistent with existing land use plans, conservation plans, and the economic viability of the resource-based economy in the Basin; and 3) Promote sustainability and conservation consistent with the custom, culture and quality of life in the Basin.
The Fifteenmile Subbasin Plan is comprised of 3 main volumes that are interdependent, but each provides a unique way to understand the characteristics, management, and goals for the future of the Fifteenmile subbasin. The 3 volumes generally conform to the guidance set forth in the Council’s Technical Guide for Subbasin Planners (2001).