Institutional Recommendation 12

Public Education and Outreach

Develop public education and outreach strategies for each Spirit of the Salmon Plan recommendation or cluster of related recommendations.


The tribes and their staffs cannot implement the Spirit of the Salmon Plan alone. Other groups, institutions and individuals need to be educated and persuaded to act. Increasing knowledge, influencing attitudes and motivating action requires the tribes and CRITFC to develop a robust communication strategy that extends current public education and outreach efforts.

Such a communication strategy needs to recognize the limited resources the tribes and CRITFC are able to allocate to public education and outreach. Using these resources wisely, developing partnerships and training leadership and staff can expand organizational capacity to communicate strategically.

Public education and outreach products and activities are most effective when integrated into a communication strategy that defines upfront the purpose, the audience and the messages most likely to translate information into action.

Crucially, a communication strategy identifies key actors—those who have a direct interest or assert power in matters affecting anadromous fish protection and restoration—and intermediaries who assist in reaching the key actors.

Strategic communication can provide the missing link between the Spirit of the Salmon recommendations and the socio-political processes of policy making and public and private participation that result in actions vital to the restoration of anadromous fish resources.

Knowing both what needs to be changed and how change might be brought about are powerful management tools embraced by the Spirit of the Salmon Plan.

Actions Needed

To help implement the Spirit of the Salmon Plan, develop public education and outreach strategies for each recommendation or cluster of related recommendations by taking the following actions:

  • Define public education and outreach objectives, personnel and resources, key messages, target audiences, and means of communication.
  • Train additional leaders and key staff to increase effectiveness in public education and outreach activities.
  • Use available research and data on public and key actor awareness and perceptions; preferences regarding information sources; and other communication trends.
  • Identify and work with key partners to undertake public education and outreach actions.
  • Seek funding seek to implement public education and outreach strategies.
  • Monitor and evaluate public education and outreach efforts.

Desired Outcome

The individuals, groups and institutions that have an interest or assert power in matters affecting fish protection and restoration, including elected and government officials, landowners and businesses, act in ways that are consistent with the protection and restoration of Columbia Basin anadromous fisheries and fish habitat. Present and future generations in the region and the nation are aware of and support the four Columbia River treaty tribes’ initiatives as well as regional initiatives to rebuild these fisheries and the cultural and natural environments they depend on.

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