Existing Mechanisms (Institutional Recommend 1)


Modify the existing basin-wide mechanisms of the CRFMP, the Fish and Wildlife Program, and FERC Orders to more fully implement treaty fishing rights to take fish at all usual and accustomed fishing places. Use the Endangered Species Act in a manner that is consistent with implementation of treaty rights to natural resources. The processes for basin-wide anadromous fish restoration are based on existing statutory authorities and treaties, and were developed by the federal, state and tribal entities of the region. They embody meaningful tribal participation but require additional authorities and measures as noted below in order to protect imperiled anadromous fish populations throughout the upper basin in order to implement treaty fishing promises. Though the ESA can be interpreted in a manner consistent with treaty rights, ESA implementation for Snake River chinook and sockeye has failed to address treaty requirements and has diverted critical resources from upper basin restoration.

2013 Update of this Recommendation»

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